BIMP is a fast and simple web-based user interface to simulate business process models using the QBP Simulator.

See the getting started guide to read more about the features. BIMP can be used for free for academic and trial purposes. Choose the version below:

BIMP - Academic

Academic version of BIMP is supported by University of Tartu and the Estonian Research Council.

Upload your .BPMN file

or drop it here
No file selected.

Here are some instructions

  1. Select a valid BPMN 2.0 file, or more if you need process definitions from multiple files.
  2. Press "Continue" in order to add/change simulation information.
  3. Tick the "Generate a log" box if you want to be able to download simulation MXML log afterwards.
  4. Click "Start simulation".
  5. Analyze the results!
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