
BPMN 2.0 Support

QBP Simulator supports most of the commonly used and deterministic BPMN 2.0 features including advanced ones. On this page you can find the list of explicitly supported elements of the BPMN.

Scroll down for BPMN Quick Guide to get started with BPMN.

See the full BPMN 2.0 specification for detailed specification of BPMN 2.0 semantics.


  1. Sequence Flows and Loops
  2. Pools and Lanes


  1. Tasks (Task, Send Task, Service Task, Manual Task, Business Rule Task, Receive Task, User Task, Script Task)
  2. Sub-processes (Collapsed and Expanded), Ad-hoc Sub-processes
  3. Call Activity


  1. Start Event
  2. End Event
  3. Intermediate events (Message, Timer, Error, Escalation)
  4. Intermediate boundary events (interrupting and non-interrupting Message, Timer, Escalation and Error events)
  5. Termination Event

Gateways (Diverging and Converging)

  1. Exclusive Gateway (XOR)
  2. Inclusive Gateway (OR)
  3. Parallel Gateway (AND)
  4. Event-based Gateway

Collaboration and Message Flows

Collaborations between multiple Processes is partially supported by the QBP Simulator. Collaborations are supported only for the BPMN models if there is only one main Process which starts the others. Message flows for collaborations must always be received by an intermediate catch event.

BPMN Quick Guide

The guide below is embedded from https://www.bpmnquickguide.com. Note that the guide includes some features which might not be supported by the QBP Simulator yet.

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